Engineering has a big role in our life that described as an engineering project that we must complete successfully, because without engineering, man would not have interacted with the ocean around him, and he would have remained confined to his old caves, when the man began his learning journey, he began to compose languages, put words and find Metaphors are based on the symbols and geometric shapes around him. The first steps of advanced life and effective communication between humans began with geometric shapes and symbols. This makes us wonder whether these shapes have a significant impact on our lives?


The first human languages

When the ancient man began trying to communicate and interact with those around him, he start to invent and develop multiple sounds, to facilitate the process of communication with the society in which he is, and with the passage of time, man tried to record and memorize these sounds, as he worked to embody them with multi-form symbols through the using  of clay materials, It was discovered in onea research survey in the civilization of Mesopotamia on the ancient methods of communication, which showed multiple geometric shapes such as cones, discs and cylinders that contain these symbols and geometric shapes, as the first human put each symbol and form its own significance, and the corresponding meaning of the sound . That was the beginning of human communication and coexistence with those around him, and the discovery of letters, writing and languages later.


Geometric shapes as religious symbols

Man has not only developed geometric shapes as a means of communication, but also multiplied his use of them to intervene in the construction and manufacture of ancient tools, and everything related to man or on which his livelihood is based, and transcending the matter of man’s relationship with geometric shapes and his practical methods, to be part of his religious life and his spiritual devotional ways.

The geometric shapes as stars, circles and triangles have been part of human religious symbolism for thousands of years, and each of the geometric shapes has its own religious significance, the circle, for example, represents eternity and perfection, and gives a sense of emotion, warmth and societal unity, the squares also and rectangles represent the values of equality, rationality and a sense of logicality. The triangle, with its strong presence and solid nature, expresses the human mind, soul and body.


Let us take example, in our Islamic religion the shape of "Holy Kaaba", which was built in a unique geometric style, where the geometric shape of the site of Kaaba is the oblique or polygonal shape, and it is one of the geometric shapes rarely used in buildings, and this means that the reason for calling Kaaba and this name may be due to its prominence, not to its cubic shape as mentioned in many books and references. Moreover, the engineering analysis of the original dimensions of Kaaba has proven that it was developed according to precise and specific geometric proportions, the most important of which is known as the golden ratio.

On the other hand, our religious worship revolves according to organized geometric shapes, in prayer, for example, we form straight and parallel lines, and the individual among us forms a number of right and sharp angles while performing the prayer, and we circumambulate around Kaaba in the form of a circle, which facilitates the movement and smooth flow of people around Kaaba, according to what is known as the rotational theory.


The energy of shapes around us.

As for our deep relationship with geometric shapes, it has been embodied by modern bio-geometric science, which takes care of the interior design of the void and its great impact on the humankind who lives in it. Where design engineering shapes contain beneficial or harmful energies that affect humans, either directly or indirectly, geometric shapes, like anything else in the universe, have frequencies and oscillations, and they interfere in resonance with other components in the universe, including the human body, and the component that consists of nuclei, electrons and small protons, whose content embodies the single cell, which interacts and is formed with each other by the action of energy. The human being in its essence consists of energy, as well as the world around us, and therefore the energy of geometric shapes can interact and influence our moods. 

Man’s interaction with geometric shapes is built according to three elements:
“form - energy - function.” Through form, can be affected, and then function and this is what the ancient man alerted and employed, in previous civilizations; Such as the Pharaonic civilization, the Chinese civilization and the Indian civilization.

For example, during their construction of the pyramids, the pharaohs relied mainly on the energies found in geometric shapes, whether they were tangible and measurable energies or others that they could not measure in that era, as the great Pyramid of Giza was built on focusing electromagnetic energy in its inner room and under its base as well. It emits electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, radio waves, and short waves, which surrounds us all the time.

In sum, humankind has succeeded in employing geometric shapes and introducing them to all aspects of his spiritual and practical life, and by making use of the energies of the geometric form, regardless of its multiple origins.

واتس آب